Install Flutter without Android Studio on Windows
Whenever I start Android Studio, my PC becomes paralyzed and interferes with other applications. That’s why I have found a solution to run Flutter without installing Android Studio. Just follow these steps:
Reminder: Guys, this article is old. Maybe I have mentioned some packages that are outdated, but the process will remain the same with the latest packages. Please install the updated packages accordingly
Use the Windows command prompt for this tutorial
<win-key> + R
then type cmd
So we keep everything in a single directory. Choose the directory where you want to install Flutter. I am choosing my C drive. you can also do as I am doing.
Create Directory
cd C:\
mkdir Android
cd Android
Install Git
First, we need to install git in our system.
download git for Windows from the following URL
Install Flutter SDK
Download the latest version of Flutter SDK from the below URL:
extract the zip file and copy the folder with the name “flutter” to “C:\Android” folder, the full path look like this
Install OpenJDK 8
Download binaries for Windows from the following URL:
extract the zip file and copy the folder with the name “openjdk” to “C:\Android” folder, the full path look like this
Install Android command tools
Download Android command tools for Windows from the following URL:
before extracting the zip file make a folder inside “C:/Android/ ”folder name “cmdline-tools” to the directory look like this
extract the zip file and copy the “tools ” folder inside “C:\Android\cmdline-tools” so the full path looks like this
Set Some Environment Variables
setx JAVA_HOME “C:\Android\openjdk”
setx ANDROID_HOME “C:\Android”
setx path “%path%;”C:\Android\cmdline-tools;C:\Android\cmdline-tools\tools;C:\Android\cmdline-tools\tools\bin;C:\Android\flutter\bin”
Download Android SDK
So for Flutter to run we need to install Android SDK
sdkmanager “system-images;android-28;default;x86_64”
sdkmanager “platform-tools”
sdkmanager "build-tools;28.0.3"
sdkmanager "platforms;android-28"
sdkmanager emulator
right now the latest version is 30 you can download that one also , I am downloading the version 28 to make app for wide range of Android OS version. by running the command
sdkmanager --list
to see available images to install for your androidYou can download any version after that flutter will automaitcally install the version compatible with your Android
After that make sure you accept any license that appear on cmd by pressing
Accept the licenses
for accepting the licenses run the following command
sdkmanager --licenses
press y
then Enter
for each license
Configure SDK path for Flutter
flutter config --android-sdk C:\Android\
Setup Your Android Phone
For running Flutter App on our physical device we need to turn on USB Debugging on your Android phone. It's very simple to do just search on Google “how to turn USB Debugging on ‘phone_name’” or use the below link as a reference
Call To Flutter Doctor
Run this command
flutter doctor -v
This command give you all green tick, ignore
at android studio because we are not using it.
if it ask for Accept Licenses with flutter doctor use below command to accept licenses
flutter doctor --android-licenses
Run Flutter App
cd C:\Android\flutter\examples\first
flutter run
your phone shows a popup click on allow
Create the Emulator
If you don’t have access to a physical device you can use an emulator. Use the below command to create an emulator
I have given a name Pixel you can give any name you want
avdmanager -s create avd -n Pixel -k “system-images;android-28;default;x86_64”
answer [no] to the showed question.
Run the emulator
flutter emulators --launch Pixel
List of already created virtual emulators
avdmanager list avd
Flutter run
Then again test your flutter code, before that make sure no physical Android device is connected to your pc
cd C:\Android\flutter\examples\first
flutter run
Delete the emulator
avdmanager delete avd -n Pixel
Now you can code inside Visual Studio Code just install the Flutter plugin for Visual Studio code to taste the features of Flutter
I personally prefer to run an Android app on the physical device if your pc has low specs or if you need to build an app fast because in an emulator your pc will consume so much ram while running an emulator